That was my mom when I told her I prefer traveling alone rather than tagging someone along on this trip. The thought of her only daughter roaming a foreign country ALONE scares the bejeezus out of her, according to her. (Awww...)
Long story short, I won. Imagine being able to check off your bucket list! And mine includes traveling to a different country... alone.
deadma lang ako.
Come May 17, I was anxiously (nervously) waiting in line for my turn at immigration. Gosh, Philippine immigration and the horrifying stories (right)? True enough, my nervousness got me sent to the office for an interview because I was stupid enough to say it's my first time to travel (Went to HK in college).
Unfortunately, the immigration officer I was assigned to was mataray. Unfortunately for her, deadma lang ako. Since I brought all the necessary documents and answered direct-to-the-point, I passed through (phew!) and couldn't wait to get on my flight!
But first, food. I just went to eat some dessert since I hate a lot in the morning.
La Bella Express (Mactan International Airport) was the only place that served not-so-heavy desserts. |
Finally, after a few minutes, I was lining up to board my flight!
Wow. An hour ago, I was at the comfort of my country and three hours later, my sneakers have set foot on the Land of the Lion.
claiming of luggages are perfect for impatient people
Oh, don't get me started with the airport.
First thing I noticed? Their carpets smell wonderful! It's like a mix of a clean scent topped with a Downy-ish fragrance just sprayed everywhere at the airport.
Like why can't we have that back home, too, since we have a buttload of them, anyways?
Second, immigration was easy as 1-2-3. Like it won't take you more than a minute to get asked the purpose of your travel, get your passport stamped and register for biometrics. Done!
And third, claiming of luggages are perfect for impatient people (like me). There are two belts available long enough for you to spot your bag easily. Took me two minutes. Bilis, noh?
Because I couldn't believe how quick everything was at Changi, I decided to roam around with my huge luggage in tow before inquiring for the essentials while at Singapore as a tourist: a public transportation pass and a pocket wifi (coz social media). I ended up just getting the unlimited 3-day pass (S$38) as they ran out of wifi routers. It is recommended for reservation at least 3 days before your arrival.
essentials while at Singapore as a tourist: a public transportation pass and a pocket wifi
Afterwards, I made my way to the taxi stand. Of course, typical Singapore, waiting wasn't a toll. Taxis are immediately available and you can either choose premier taxi (a bit expensive than the-) or the regular one.
Although Singapore is known to have low crime rates, I couldn't help but feel scared. I have no way of connecting online just yet and here I am getting in a cab with a stranger. So, syempre kinabahan ako ng Medium Large.
BUT all that almost vanished when I saw a phablet on the dashboard. Other than its purpose is showing your driver's details, a group message appeared that someone left their phone in one of the company's taxis. I know it's not much but it made me relax a bit.
And thank God, I arrived at the hotel after 20 minutes complete with change and a receipt. Taxis in Singapore don't overcharge, by the way. Awesome, right?
At the hotel, checking in was a breeze and a joy since the receptionist who entertained me was Filipino. It doesn't hurt to get a slice of hometown in a foreign country. I was too lazy to even talk in English because I just wanna crash and sleep being I arrived at 9pm. That's why speaking in Tagalog made me feel at home in where I'm staying at.
Minutes later, I made my way to my room and called my mom (who was firm in saying to do so when I arrive). Before finally crashing to bed, I decided to do a mini-adventure by taking a walk to a nearby 7-Eleven at night. Mind you, it was very safe given the time.
Afterwards, went back to my room, prepared for bed, drank cough+flu juice (from 7-Eleven) and dozed off before I knew it.
P.S. I apologize for the lack of photos to justify my obsession for Changi Airport. I was not feeling well.
From the blogger:
Heyyy!!! How long has it been? I know, ang tagal na! I was caught up with work and a lot of things that's why I wasn't able to go online and post something. A lot went on, kaya naman my life is currently in shambles, but I'll manage.
And, yes! I traveled which made me feel overjoyed because one of my goals this year literally just happened. Hopefully, this won't be the last place I'll be able to go to outside of the country. Keeping my fingers crossed! Also, to more frequent blogs to come.
Sana naman you didn't find the post boring. If you did, I sincerely apologize as I'm still beginning to take in all of these. Maybe in time, I'll improve, as a lot of established bloggers did in the early stages.
I will see you all soon! Thanks and bye!!!!
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