First off, I will apologize if ever my sentence construction seems out of hand. It has been years since I last resorted to writing stuff online and I guess it's safe to say that the iron (meaning, my brain) has rusted and is in need of oil drops.
Moving on, like what I said in a previous post, my boyfriend and I love to eat. Every time we're together, I can instantly predict that eating is going to happen. That's why whenever boyfriend tells me it's okay not to bring any money with me, I see to it that I have a few hundreds with me before heading out.
This happened one time wherein I wasn't entirely ready for it. He decided that we should "take a walk". So, without hesitation, I went along with his plan wearing my PJs and a passable pair of Spice Girl-ish slippers.
To my luck, we ended up at Chemesa Cafe; a semi-fancy restaurant where you may or may not order a 3-course meal. Thank God I wore a decent sleeveless top or else I'd look like I'm going to check in to sleep at a restaurant!
On another note, the ambiance was very relaxing; like stepping into a spa center. The whole place was clean as it should be and the interiors well-maintained. There's nothing too fancy shmancy inside that will fill you with awe, however, people don't go there to watch the tables and chairs. They came to eat. :p

Speaking of eat, let's talk about the menu. Was it the way boyfriend and I were dressed? Because the waiter only gave us 1 (one) menu. So, we each had to spend 7 minutes trying to figure out what to order. From what I can remember, if a pair is dining, you give them separate menus. Oh, well!
And speaking of menu, I have to give them credit for describing what we're going to expect in our meal. That's definitely one way to entice your customers. Also, great job on not including photos of any of the food or else Gordon Ramsey's going to persecute a restaurant should they do so. JK.

As for the food?
1. Nachos as our appetizer was A-OK! Even the boyfriend ate the cabbages (he doesn't like to eat any kind of veggie).
2. The Carbonara was a bit dry and had an aftertaste I couldn't even describe.
3. Pork Steak was delicious! When BF went to the bathroom, I sneakily had a taste or five. Its sauce was the winner.
4. Thumbs up for their non-greasy fries. Combination of the cheese and mayo... superb!
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