Everyone who knows us know that hubby and I live for two things in this relationship: movies and food. In a different yet totally related note, a friend of ours once said that we eat really yummy food based on our photos. I kid you not, whenever we eat out, it just turns out we only get the best tasting food - at least in our own palates.
And because we are two hungry beasts, we commuted all the way to Cagayan de Oro; probably the closest we have of Cebu. We then went straight to Centrio Ayala Mall to do a little bit of shopping before grubbing.
Now, being a bit of a girly girl and pointing out that I love the color pink, our first stop was Etude House. I guess I splurged too much there and almost got hypnotized into buying stuff that I actually don't need. I bought facial masks for my girl cousins and aunt, and other stuff for myself. Looking back at it now, WHY THE HELL DID I BUY NAIL POLISH? It's the packaging perhaps. I am a sucker for anything cute... so sue me! :-(

This one, I got as a freebie. Cool beans!
Next, we went to Saizen, a Daiso store that sells anything imported from Japan all for Php 88. Great deal, I guess, but knowing that in America their Daiso is called 'The Dollar Store' which means it's about Php43 when you convert it - not so much of a bargain but, hey! Most of the things I found at Saizen are a lot cheaper than those from other stores, so, why not?
And because Hubby wanted to buy some guy stuff, we headed to Habagat, a store that sells mountaineering gears. See, he and his buddies recently discovered the wonders of climbing mountains and after his first try, he got so addicted to it that they'd regularly go on mountain treks. In turn, I managed to buy my father a day bag for Christmas while hubby got himself a jug protector and a dry bag. If you don't know what these are, ask anyone who's into mountaineering. :-)
After a few hours of going around the mall, it was time to do some munching. We immediately went to TGI Friday's which was something we've been dying to try out. So, in we went.

One of the many things I like about TGIF is how accommodating the staff were. Sure, we've been to several restaurants and dealt with awesome waiters but those at TGIF were superb. They kept on checking in on us without being annoying at all, recommended to us their special menu and if we'd like some appetizers since we have to wait 15 minutes for our order. We politely declined and they obliged with a smile.
Plus, who doesn't like quick thinking waiters? They gave each of us a glass of ice-cold water without being asked to do so.

When our orders arrived, goodness gracious was I shocked at how big my order (half a rack of Jack Daniel's Ribs and Shrimps) was while hubby had a generous portion of pasta with Buffalo "nuggets" on top (sorry I forgot what it's called). That reaction subsided when I got a bite of my JD ribs. Boy! Was it DELICIOUS! Pair that with Chocolate Milkshake and you're good to go. Also, hubby's pasta was very tasteful, as well, that we ended up switching plates when we both had a few leftovers. LOL Oh, not to mention his Mango Shake which tasted like sweet heaven.

After lunch, we decided to walk around the mall to burn a few calories before heading home. Turns out, we took a U-Turn at J.Co and bought a dozen doughnuts and rested our weary feet at The White Hat Italian Frozen Yogurt. Right then and there, we came to a conclusion that yogurt is definitely not for us or maybe it's White Hat's. We don't know. All we ate were the chocolate toppings, left the building and hailed a taxi to take us to the bus terminal.

I do apologize for the long post but that's as far as I can describe our day out of town. We had a great time and hubby seems to think more than just two thumbs up. Oh, happy girlfriend! :-)
We will definitely go back again but this time to another restaurant. Food is just our ultimate weakness and we don't actually care how much we spend on it.
And maybe next time, I'll remind myself to check my camera if I brought along either the battery or the SD card. Total fail on posting great pictures because I friggin' left the SD card.
Oh, well. Let's just charge that to experience now, shall we?
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